What if all the insects died?

What if all the insects died?
what if all insects died?

You will surely get angry when the bombinating insects bombinate or fall into the food. But before killing them, one must think that the population of flies and other insects around the world is declining rapidly.

These insects play an important role in food production and protecting the ecosystem. An ecosystem is a system in which the lives of all living things, including animals, plants and bacteria, depend on each other.
Insects break down biological structures, accelerating their decomposition. This refreshes the soil.
"Just think how unpleasant the environment would be if we didn't have insects to get rid of the waste," said Dr. McAlster. Without insects on earth, we will swim in a pond of waste and dead animals. Insects also feed birds, bats and small mammals. Dr.Francisco Sanchez Bio, a professor at the University of Sydney, said "about 60% of animal life depends on insects, so many species of birds, bats, frogs and freshwater fish are disappearing."

In addition to being a valuable source of food for other organisms and beneficial to the ecosystem, insects also perform another important function in producing food. This is the work of pollination. According to a study, insects provide humans with a free service such as pollination, which benefits humans by 350 billion dollars.
Various classes of plants & 75 percent of our production need insects/bugs for pollination, says Dr-Sanchez-Bio. Pollination is the process by which the seeds of a plant pass from one flower to another through insects and new flowers are formed. But despite all this, we are not fully aware of the importance of insects. For example, the chocolate plant, in which 17 species of insects play a role. These include about 15 species of biting insects, very small ants and moths.

We now know that many species of insects, including bees, are declining rapidly in many countries.
Many popular species of insects, such as monarch butterflies, are also declining. These butterflies are essential for the growth of wild flowers.
But we are not ready to accept this issue and the danger is that it will be too late.
Extremely Large Number:
The world of spiders is so large that it is beyond our comprehension at the moment. According to the Smithsonian Institution in the United States, the total weight of insects around the world is 17 times the total weight of humans.
The institute estimates that there could be as many as 10 quintals of insects in the world at any one time. In the United States, one quintal means one billion.
But there is no consensus among researchers on the exact number of species of insects. According to various estimates, it could be between two and 30 million.

What if all the insects died?
 What if all the insects died?

Large numbers of insects and their diversity do not save them from the threat of extinction. Even insects that have not yet been discovered are becoming extinct.
"We have many examples of insects discovered in the 1930s and 1940s that have yet to be identified," says Dr. McAllister. Their areas have been destroyed for a long time.

Tragic predictions:
The report, published in the journal Biological Conservation in February 2019, paints a grim picture.
The report says the number of insects in Germany, the United Kingdom and Puerto Rico is declining by 2.5 percent each year. Insect numbers in these three countries have been monitored continuously for the past 30 years. Dr. Sanchez Bio says that in areas where research is being done, the number of insect species is declining by about 41%. Another study in 2017 found that the number of flying insects in Germany has dropped by 75% in the last 30 years. The decline was seen in 60 areas where pests were being studied.
A U.S. researcher on the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico has found that insect numbers have dropped by 98 percent in the last 40 years. This situation means the complete elimination of many types.
 According to Dr. Sanchez Bio, if the current situation is not changed, a large number of different species of insects will be completely extinct within a century.

Who are the real killers of insects?
Large-scale farming in areas where insects live is considered a major reason for their decline.
In addition, reckless use of pesticides and global warming are also contributing to the decline in the number of insects.

The bad news is that insects like cockroach’s will replace extinct insects because they have developed resistance to drugs.
Dave Golson, a professor at the University of Sussex, says warmer climates will increase the population of high-breeding insects as they eliminate all enemies that slow their reproduction. It is possible that in future we would not be able to see some beautiful insects around us like honey bees and butterflies, they would all be no more.

How to save insects?

Scientists say there is still time to take steps to improve the situation.

Dr. Sanchez describes the measures as "rehabilitating areas where trees, plants and flowers are everywhere, removing dangerous pesticides from markets and implementing carbon reduction policies" can improve the situation.

He added that individually, if people turn to organic food, it will also help change the fate of insects, inspires farmers for less pesticides usage & hence there less effects on the environment.

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