Excessive Sleep may create Risk of Early Death?

Excessive Sleep may create Risk of Early Death?Excessive Sleep may create Risk of Early Death?
Excessive Sleep may create Risk of Early Death?

Many people try to get eight hours of sleep at night, which is thought to be the right amount of sleep. But some experts overstate it and think it is harmful to health.

We all know that sleep deprivation is not good for health. You feel tired, you are irritable due to lack of sleep and according to doctors it can lead to obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, various heart diseases. However, a recent study of ten years found that adults who sleep less than six hours or more than eight hours typically die before those who sleep more or less than that amount.

That is, people who sleep more or less than six hours to eight hours have a higher risk of dying early.

Franco Capuccio, a professor of cardiology and epidemiology at the University of Warwick, conducted a series of 16 studies in which more than a million people were asked about their sleep patterns and then consulted again.

Cappuccio has divided them into three broad groups.
1.Who sleep less than six hours
2.Who sleep between six and eight hours
3.Who sleep more than eight hours
They say that when people who slept less than six hours were contacted a second time than those who slept in the middle class, 12% of them had died. People who slept more than eight hours had a 30 percent higher death rate than those who slept in moderate sleep.

In other words, the risk of death from excessive sleep is as high as the risk of death from excessive alcohol consumption, but relatively less than from smoking.
But is nine hours of sleep more dangerous than five hours of sleep?
It can be seen in many ways. Professor Capuccio is aware that prolonged sleep can be caused by depression or sleeping pills. They did not ignore it. He personally believes that people who sleep for more than eight hours have a disease for which the symptoms are not yet clear. Therefore, in his opinion, prolonged sleep does not cause premature death, but rather due to this hidden disease. But not everyone agrees with this view. A similar study was conducted by Arizona State University professor Sean Youngstead in which 14 young people were prepared to sleep eight to two hours more each night for three weeks.
He said they became more depressed, while Youngstead said they had more inflammation, especially high levels of a type of protein called IL-6, which is linked to inflammation.

The young people included also complained of swelling and back pain. This made Youngstead think that the problems associated with excessive sleep were not due to being inactive for too long. He is currently researching sleep deprivation, which will be published soon. There are a number of problems that sleep researchers face, one of which is that there is no way to determine the exact amount of sleep. However, all experts agree that sleep quality affects health, but no method has been developed to determine the proper duration of sleep up till now.
Dr. Greg Jacobs, a sleep therapist at Massachusetts Medical School, says that "seven hours of recurrence occurs when it comes to getting enough sleep."  

Is Sleep, important for learning?

Excessive Sleep may create Risk of Early Death?Excessive Sleep may create Risk of Early Death?
Is Sleep, important for learning?

Long sleep is the key to young children's learning and memory, scientists say. Experiments on children under 12 months of age have shown that if children do not get long sleep after doing new tasks, they will not be able to remember those tasks. Scientists at the University of Sheffield have suggested that the best time to learn something new is shortly before bedtime, and they have emphasized the importance of reading at night.

Experts say that sleep is more important in the early years of life.

Children sleep more than adults. However, scientists say there is "very little" information about the role of sleep in children's first year of life. 

Scientists taught some games to six- to 12-month-olds using puppets on their hands. After learning this, half of the children fell asleep within four hours, while the other half either did not sleep at all or slept for less than half an hour.
The next day the children were asked to repeat the game they had learned the day before. The results of the study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, show that deep sleep is important for learning to sleep.
The children who slept for a long time were able to repeat one and a half games. In contrast, children who did not sleep after learning, or slept for a short time, forgot everything.

Dr Jane Herbert of the University of Sheffield told that: "Children who fell asleep after learning, learned the game well, but those who did not sleep did not learn at all."
He said it was generally believed that learning was necessary to be fully awake, but instead "conditions before going to bed are the most important."
This research shows how important it is to read and recite books with children before going to bed.
A study last year shed light on the mechanism of memory during sleep. It was reported that new links are formed between brain cells during sleep. Derek John Jack, a sleep professor at the University of Surrey, says young children need more sleep, but "that doesn't mean they fall asleep during training."

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