The fear that Mental Illness Recovery is Impossible:

The fear that Mental Illness Recovery is Impossible:

                           The fear that Mental Illness Recovery is Impossible:

I was thinking about an extremely common barrier to recovery and that barrier is the fear that because you're unique or because your situation is different that you can't recover from Mental Illness.

 Either your past experiences make it impossible. Your anxieties are too terrible to accept. You need to engage in propulsions right now because you have work commitments or school commitments. Therapy, won't work for you because your fears are irrational, they're things that really happen. Purpose has never heard of your particular symptoms, what else seems to have the same symptoms as you or the same traumatic experiences, you or feels pain in the same way. There are so many variations on this particular fear but if we didn't mention your particular reason for feeling, that you can't recover.

First of all know that if you are worried that you can't recover for some reason, you are in a very large group of people trying to take a step back from what you're experiencing and look at the compulsive pattern at work here. Because it's a very typical very normal compulsive pattern. It's very normal to get stuck in this pattern of believing. If I don't do “X” then, I can't do “Y”. When y is something that's very healthy, something that we want to do, something that's aligned with our values and aligned with our goals and so the illness creates this trap for us.

When we're struggling with mental illness, it's very normal to create barriers to actually doing the things we want to do in life. when we start out on the path to recovery, the mental illness monster panics it, wants us to keep doing compulsions and so very quickly says: hey you can't recover because of reasons. Reacting to this fear is like reacting to any other fear that your brain throws at you any other intrusive thought it comes up with. I mean it's great if it thinks that that's fine that doesn't have to stop you from doing the things that are going to make you happy and healthy. If you're cutting out a compulsion and your brain tells you, hey there's no point bother with that because, you're just going to relapse anyway except that :that's the thing you thought. That's fine you can think that and cut out the compulsion anyway. Every time you introduce a new healthy activity into your life and your brain tells you: hey you know you're gonna fail at this just like you failed last time. That's fine you can think that agree with it .So fine I'm going to fail this time but I'm going to keep doing this anyway and I'm going to bring supports into my life to support doing this healthy activity.

Every time your brain tells you that this time is different. You have totally valid reasons to an engage in one of your compulsions, even though you were cutting it out. We're experience so much anxiety right now, so much stress and all that anxiety and stress and pain will never go away unless you engage in that compulsion. That's fine that's a thing your brain thinks. It can think that but continue with doing the healthy things you were doing the things you know. We're going to make you healthy and happy over the long term.

 When I struggle with mental illnesses. Listening to the stuff in my head was a huge part of the problem. so getting over those illnesses meant not doing the thing that got me into that mess in the first place. That meant not listening to the stuff in my head doing more of what got you into this also isn't going to get you over. If you really want to listen to the stuff in your head, the thing I would ask is how's that been working out for you. If you think you can't recover that isn't a neat thing. To think like that's totally neat that you have that thought you can't recover. But I don't really care what you think and if the thing you want to do is recover, then really ask yourself. If it's useful for you to care that you think you can't recover because that's getting in the way of the thing you want to do judging and discriminating and trying to fit the world in the tiny little cages of certainty are a huge part of, what gets struggling with mental illnesses and it's totally normal to them extend that compulsion to ourselves to believe that for reason A and B and C .We can't do X and Y and Z. we create these cages we create these bars of reasons that prevent us from doing the things we want to do.

 We judge ourselves and we judge our situation. We create totally logical completely reasonable cages that trap us in the illnesses. You will always be able to think of totally rational reasons to engage in compulsions and you will always be able to think of to avoid doing the healthy things. You know you want to do you always be able to come up with a reason.

Why tomorrow is a much better day to start on recovery. You just don't feel right now, we are so good at thinking and it is not helping try to recognize that. Whenever you're thinking of reasons, why you can't do the things that you really want to do in life. The things you know are going to be healthy for you. The things that you know are going to be helped make you happy. That is part of the illness except that stuff in your head. Whatever that stuff is and do the things that you know are going to take you where you want to go in life.

Eat Healthy:

One of the tip to beat OCD is to eat Healthy. Healthy eating is going to help you so much in going through any process of change in your life but especially getting over OCD and anxiety disorders. Because when you're resisting the urges to act in a compulsive way at first that's going to use up so much willpower and a lot of great research.

 When you've got food in your body and your blood glucose levels high, you're able to make good decisions. You're able to resist urges. When that blood glucose level drops so does your ability to make good decisions, so does your ability to resist urges. We want to be resisting urges and making great healthy decisions for the long term and that is going to involve eating really healthy and so it's going to mean a lot of whole grains complex carbohydrates. Always making sure you've got some protein lots of roots on vegetables. It's those refined sugars that are going to send you on a blood glucose rollercoaster, which is going to end up in a lot of dips and so you want to avoid those dips. Where you're super tired and all you're just craving some food and you just can't resist or make any good decisions at that point, and this is something you've probably noticed in your life.

Definitely the switch to eating healthy is going to be an awesome really useful change but there will certainly be challenges two big challenges that you'll find. One a lot of us have compulsions and obsessions related to food I know for me I had all sorts of weird behaviors related to food and I didn't even think they were really part of my OCD.

The second thing that is challenging, when eating healthy is just eating healthy. Getting the food buying the food knowing how to cook it knowing, what to buy. All that is tough it's a challenge but it's a challenge not a barrier. It's something you can learn about it so definitely educate yourself learn how to cook.

 The ability to eat well and eat healthy and that's one of the best possible things you can do to help yourself get over OCD so that's the tip eat healthy food.


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