Tenders in Different Departments of  Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Jan 2021

Tenders in Different Departments of

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Jan 2021

Tenders in Different Departments of

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Jan 2021

Notice Inviting E.Short Tender

1. Tenders in Peshawar Development Authority (PDA) KPK Peshawar:

PDA invites sealed tenders on %age above or below upto 02 Decim: on Est.Cost on the Market Rate on Single Stage Single Envelope Basis as per KPPRA Rules & other terms and conditions, for works described below:

·       Name of WORK: Major Head: Repair & Maintenance of N*5 G.T & Jamrud Road Peshawar. Sub Head: Supply of Petunia F1 with 7” Pot Containing 30Nos of Saplings with Different Colors for N-5 G.T & Jamrud Road Peshawar.

Estimated Cost Rs:- 0.95 Million

2% Earnest Money/BidSecurity:      19040/-

Tender form Documentation fees: 1000/-

Date/Time of Receipt/Opening of Tenders/Bid:

Receipt: 26/01/2021 upto 11:00 AM

Opening: 26/01/2021 12:00 Noon

Time Limit: As per work order of P.E.

Other Details:

·       Experience in field of landscaping/horticulture would result in issuing of tender/bidding documents for the works to the firms/contractors and can be obtained from PDA website.(BOQ , Tender forms )

·       Schedule banks2%  earnest money/bid security of the quoted bid cost must be accompanied in shape of C.D in name of the D.G, PDA,

·       Submission of bids means the contractors/firms are full aware of the site condition, scope as well as terms & conditions

·       If the bids became equal it would re-tendered again

·       Unforeseen items would be paid through MRS 2019 market rates prevailing

·       KPPRA Rules would be followed for any cancellation process

·       Other terms & conditions from the office can be obtained

·       Bidding document fax/by hand not acceptable

·       All taxes must be considered and applicable

NOTE: The above terms and conditions must be properly obtained from KPPRA website advertisement and on news advertisement when published and are more authentic and acceptable. The above are just for reference and guidance.

(Notice Inviting E-Tender)

3rd Time

2. Peshawar Development Authority (PDA) KPK Peshawar Tender Details:

Tenders are invited on Single-Stage-Single-Envelope basis according to KPPRA Rules 2014, from Contractors/Firms/Company enlisted with Communication & Works (C&W) Department and Regd: with PEC—

1.    Name of Work:P/I of 120-W LED lights on KMU Road Phase-V, Hayatabad Peshawar. Estimated Cost Rs. 9.56 Million. EM : 2% of Estd.Cost. Tender form fee Rs. 1000/-

2.    Timings of Tender:

Receiving: 26/01/2021 10:30 AM

Opening:   26/01/2021 11:30 AM


3.    PEC Codes & relevant Categories: C-6 & above, EE-04,EE-11 (GENERAL)

4.    Time limit is as per work order to be given.


·       PDA E-Bidding System to be used

·       PDA website to be used for Getting BOQ UPTO 26-01-2021 23:59hrs

·       Advertisement also available on KPPRA website

·       2 Percent Earnest Money/Bid Security of Est. Cost should be with the C.D in the name of DG, PDA-from scheduled banks as per KPPRA Rules along  with  any amendments.

·       The bids must be submitted to the concerned officer through registered Courier Service

·        Firms/ Contr: shall have to  give their bids by clicking “Finalize” option on the “Bid-Details” section of E-Bidding system. After that the generated tender form shall be printed and provided along with Bill of Quantities and other documents given in condition No.04 of this Notice Inviting Tender. The bids would be opened as per rules.

(Note:  All Other terms and conditions must be obtained from the Advertisement in KPPRA Websites as well as when advertised in News Paper and is more authentic. The above details are just for informative purpose and should be verified from the advertisement.)

(Invitation for Bids (IFB))

3.  Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Culture & Tourism Authority:

Details For/Contracts for:       Frame Work Contract for Production Services

1.    D.G, KPK Culture and Tourism Authority requires sealed bids under NCB from reputed local and national ProducT: Firms Event ManGT: Firms having 03 years' experience, for framework contract (Production Services) under KPPRA Rules 2014 for the period of 01 year from the date of signing of contract, under the following eligibility criteria:

The Details of the Advertisement along with further details can be obtained from KPPRA website as well as from the news-paper wen appeared in it.  It would provide complete details of the remaining terms and conditions

Bids should reach before: 27/01/2021 at 10:30AM.

Pre Bid meeting: 18-01-2021, 11 Am in KPK Culture and Tourism Authority conference Rm.

4.  Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Culture & Tourism Authority:

Details For:          Frame Work Contract for Sound and Lightning Services

·       -Bids Should reach office on or before: 27-01-2021 at 2:30 PM

·       A-pre bid meeting had also been arranged dated : 18-01-2021 at 2:30PM at DG Office Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Cultural &Tourism Authority as per KPPRA rule of 2014.

·       As per KPPRA rules all the bids or proposals can be rejected before acceptance of the bids or proposals.

·       Bid security in the shape of CDR should be in the name of DG of the concerned department (Rs. 50,000/-)

·       Bidding documents can be obtained from the office of DG foe an amount of Rs.1000/- non refund able. And can also be acquired from the concerned authority website.

(Note: For further details and information regarding the Advertisement it would be better to visit the website of KPPRA and news-paper advertisement appeared in the news-paper which would be best and more authentic. The above details is just for informative purpose of the visitors and for immediate & fast information please.)

(Tenders on Single Stage Single Envelope E-Bidding System)

5.  Executive Engineer C&W Division Karak Khyber Pakhtunkhwa:


Tenders invited for the following Rules as per Single Stage Single Envelope basis for the following Works:-

1.    Name of work : AOM&R/Special Repair to all metalled roads in District Karak During the year (2020-21).


i).BTR from Ahmad Abad to Dabar Banda (Landay Warana) via RHCAhmad Abad

ii) BTR from Mianki Banda to Lakki Banda

iii) BTR from Searak Banda to Chappi Banda (Noor War Jan Koroona)


i).BTR from Jail Chowk Indus Highway to DHQ Hospital Karak

ii).BTR from Ali Khel Chowk to Sabir Abad

iii).BTR from Indus Highway to Alwargi

iv).BTR from Darish Khel to Ghole Banda

2.    Name of work : AOM&R/Special Repair to Residential/Non Residential Buildings in District Karak  (2020-21).

Terms & Conditions:-

·       Bidding docs & Instructions to bidders can be obtained from the PE website

·       In case of any bid below the 10percent of the engineers estimate, the additional bid security should be as per KPPRA latest notification applicable nowadays

·       The addtt: bid security should be provided within 03 days of the issuing of the acceptance letter to the successful biddr failing which actions would be taken as per KPPRA

·       KPRA enlistment is essential

·       Last date of submission of Bid: 08-02-2021 12:00PM

·       Date of opening of financial Bid: 08-02-2021 12:30PM

Important Note; The above information is for gudence purpose of the persons interested to apply for the tender, the most accurate source is KPPRA website and PE website and News paper in which the details would be available. 

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